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Bayshore Little League

The Spring 2025 Season is Underway!

Proof of Residency Requirements


To all Parents and Players: 

To play at Bayshore Little League you must:
1) Live in Bayshore LL's boundaries (see the Boundary Map in Parent Info)
2) Attend school in a school within those same boundaries
3) Have played at Bayshore previously if you no longer live or go to school in bounds. Your play has to be continuous (spring seasons) and you will need a waiver. 
4) Receive a waiver from Little League HQ in Williamsport (and in this case most likely not be eligible for any all star competition). This waiver must go through our president all the way to Williamsport, no exceptions. 

So, how do your prove you either live in our boundary or go to school in our boundary?  

The Basics: 

1) Residency: provide 3 proofs of residency from three groups defined by Little League.  See the specifics further down and in the links. 
2) School: provide either a Little League school enrollment form or an official/certified school enrollment record.  
3) Use a prior official tournament player verification form from all stars (this proves you had all the right info). Here is what that looks like:

OK, now you have dug those forms out or had your school sign them. You must upload them to our website and make sure each of them are less than 1 MB. If you have an iphone, the easiest thing to do is take a picture of the documents. E-mail the pictures to yourself and when you do select "smallest" for the size. Download the pictures then upload them to our site. Honestly, it is pretty easy. If you don't have an iphone use Adobe or one of the many free internet compression apps out there.  

Pretty simple, right?  
OK, that was the unofficial guidance.  For the official guidance, please to:

Also, for very helpful video guidance please see:

Following is a summary of the Residency Checklist, the full checklist may be found at:

Contact Us

Bayshore Little League

181 Columbia Drive 
Tampa, Florida 33606

Phone: 561-670-8977
Email: [email protected]

Bayshore Little League

181 Columbia Drive 
Tampa, Florida 33606

Phone: 561-670-8977
Email: [email protected]
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